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Did you set a goal or resolution to read more in 2021? If you did, like me, here is a book you should read in 2021!
Nowadays, terms such as green supply chain, circular chain, and responsible procurement have become "buzzwords" in the business circle. How should companies keep responsible procurement during their development and what the role of procurement is? The book Corporate Social Responsibility and Procurement, will provide insights for you.
Sustainable value creation starts from procurement
Procurement is central to a sustainable business model: both for companies, who want to integrate the suppliers into their own sustainability strategy, as well as companies that, as suppliers, also have to consider the sustainability aspects of their customers.
Since the beginning of the economy, the topic of the value creation by cooperation and division of labor is central for companies. Cooperation generates synergies and creates new opportunities. However, due to the increasing scarcity of resources, the political development and the increased transparency force the process of global value creation is becoming increasingly complex.
Procurement processes must be rethought and reorganized against this background. In addition to purely economic factors, ecological and social issues play an increasingly important role. And only if the procurement has already started - at the beginning of the further value creation, and generates both corporate and social added value, can a sustainable business model can be developed that meets the requirements of customers, employees and investors.
Sustainable value creation can’t be achieved without a stable and sustainable procurement nowadays. Sustainability and competitiveness go hand in hand. Especially in global value creation processes, trust and the joint efforts with business partners on sustainability and corporate Social responsibility is of strategic importance to one's own business success.
Important value of CSR and procurement
Prof. Dr. habil. Elisabeth Fr?hlich is the chief editor of CSR and Procurement: Theory and Practice of Sustainable Procurement Process Models(German version). As President of Cologne Business School in Germany, she is the subject lead of "Sustainable Economy in Management Training".
The Chinese version of this book was translated by Dr. Qingsong Li, an expert in management in China, and senior CSR expert Yin Gefei, and has received strong support from amfori. They worked to build a sustainability bridge between China and Europe. Their efforts in CSR and economic perspectives allowed us to exchange ideas and learn from each other.
This book presents a new method of designing the value chain sustainably. The innovative management ideas and successful practices help readers get a glimpse of the sustainable economic world.
In Part I of this book, theory-based content is examined in more detail, which can support companies in implementing sustainable procurement. The articles in Part II highlight specific company examples, which are very different but relevant in sustainable procurement. After the four examples, an article that deals with sustainable procurement in developing countries is set. In the end, the cases from China are introduced.
This book is expected to consolidate the importance of the procurement function to business success. Building on this, it makes clear how important it is to integrate sustainability into this function. On the one hand, the theory-heavy articles offer new insights and sensitize companies for what to look for in the context of introducing a sustainable procurement model. On the other hand, the different cases provide concrete sustainable concepts and approaches and introduce the practices of sustainable procurement.
Some words from chief editor and contributors of the book, including
1. Christian Ewert, President, amfori
2. Yin Gefei, Founder and Chief Expert of GoldenBee, Secretary of ISO 26000 Stakeholder Global Network (ISO 26000 SGN)
3. Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Fr?hlich, President of Cologne Business School (CBS), Chief Editor of CSR and Procurement
4. Horace Liu, Metro Sourcing
5. Sébastien Pivet, Quality Assurance Director-Health & Beauty &Group CSR Director, A.S. Watson Group
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